Oferte BIP-uri 2024-2025
Studenții vor găsi oferte de BIP-uri atât în lista de mai jos care se actualizează regulat în funcție de ofertele pe care UVT le primește de la universitățile partenere din străinătate, cât și pe platforma www.erasmusbip.org - o platformă creată de universități cu scopul de a ajuta universitățile să promoveze BIP-urile pe care le organizează, dar și studenții pentru a le identifica. Atenție: unele universități solicită studenților înregistrarea la BIP nu doar prin nominalizarea lor de către UVT, dar și completarea de către studenți a unui formular de înscriere al lor sau trimiterea unor documente în prealabil - dacă există astfel de solicitări, vor apărea în prezentarea BIP-ului.
- 11-15 November_ITALY, Trento: SOI-141 Orienteering: Unlocking New Potential for a Niche Sport Club
- 11-15 November_ITALY, Trento: SOI-142 New ideas to revolutionize the Future of Plant-Based food
- 11-16 November_PORTUGAL, Covilhã: Randopat-Heritrail 3 ‘Cultural Heritage Food & Craft in Serra da Estrela Mushrooms, Cheese and Wool’
- 17-22 November_FRANCE, Chambéry: SUN Mat Critical Raw Material for Solar Development
- 25-29 November_FRANCE, Chambéry: Multidisciplinary approaches to Antiquity and its heritage Regards croisés sur les femmes et la condition féminine dans l’Antiquité
- 03-07 February_CZECH REPUBLIC, Prague: Psychological Safety for Future Leaders – SELECȚIE ÎNCHISĂ
- 03-07 February_CZECH REPUBLIC, Prague: Cross Cultural Management in VUCA Environment – SELECȚIE ÎNCHISĂ
- 24-28 February_SPAIN, Zaragoza: Persuasion, assertiveness and leadership in discourse – SELECȚIE ÎNCHISĂ
- 24-28 February_Spain, Zaragoza: White train (Tren Blanco) – SELECȚIE ÎNCHISĂ
Martie 2025
- 31 March – 04 April_ITALY, Turin: One Step Beyond: An Entrepreneurial Course within the UNITA Alliance – SELECȚIE ÎNCHISĂ
- 07-11 April_SPAIN, Zaragoza: Sustainability in the business world – SELECȚIE ÎNCHISĂ
- 07-11 April_PORTUGAL, Guarda: Relax to Wellness – SELECȚIE ÎNCHISĂ
- 01-10 April_SPAIN, Almeria: Zero Waste, Infinite Possibilities: Teamwork for a Sustainable Future
- 07-11 April_FRANCE, Chambéry: Interculturalidad
- 28 April – 2 May_TURKEY, Istanbul: Research Project Planning & Proposal Writing
MAI 2025
- 30 April – 04 May_PORTUGAL, Brescia: Scientific Methodology in thesis writing in health sciences
- 05-09 May_SPAIN, Zaragoza: Method of learning styles for primary, secondary and higher education. (REPASES)
- 05-09 May_LITUANIA, Klaipėda: Sustainable Production – Sustainable Environment
- 05-09 May_PORTUGAL, Covilhã: Migrations and Territories in the 21st Century
- 19-23 May_POLAND, Lublin: Modern and effective AI-powered learning
- 26-30 May_HUNGARY, Budapest: Cybersecurity in Public Service
JUNE 2025
- 02-06 June_FRANCE, Pau: Biodiversity in Mountain Ecosystems – (participants only on waiting list)
- 09-14 June_ITALY, Pavia: Marine Environmental Threats
- 10-14 June_FRANCE, Pau: Impressions pyrénéennes: Ecrire le voyage en Europe/ Impressions of the pyrenees: travel writing in Europe
- 23-27 June_SPANIA, Navarra: Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Law (to be updated)
JULY 2025
- 30 June – 04 July, ITALY, Torino: Intercomprehension for Specific Purposes: Tourism in Rural Areas
- ~08-17 July_SPAIN, Almeria: Sustainable Biotechnology Entrepreneurship: Microalgae & Human Food
- 16-27 June_PORTUGAL, Porto: Physical activity, exercise, physical fitness and health promotion – evaluation and monitoring
- 16-27 June_PORTUGAL, Porto: Physical activity and health promotion: contexts of practice
BIP-uri prevăzute pentru 2025-2026
- November_FRANCE, Chambéry: DATASUN 2 (to be updated)
- December_FRANCE, Chambéry: Cardinal Drive for Successful HR in Organization (to be updated)
BIP-uri din anii universitari anteriori
- 02-06 October_SPAIN, Zaragoza: Cultural Heritage and Depopulated Areas
- October-November 2023_ITALY, Trento: SOI-120 Challenge 1_ CaaS_ Build the City You Need
- 8-12 April_PORTUGAL, Trento: SOI-130 Ch.3-Back to the Future!
- 15-19 April_PORTUGAL, Porto: Citizen Science for Psychological Wellbeing
- 24-28 April_AUSTRIA, Graz: Walther von Goethe’s Songs and Ballads
MAI 2024
- 01-05 May_ITALY, Brescia: Scientific methodology in thesis writing in health sciences
- 06-10 May_SPAIN, Zaragoza: Method of learning styles for primary, secondary and higher education (REAPSES)
- 20-24 May SPAIN, Zaragoza: BIP for STEAM teaching, including digital skills, with gender perpsective
- 20-24 May_REPUBLIC OF SERBIA, Novi Sad: Internet of Things and 3D Printing
- 20-31 May_PORTUGAL, Guarda: Comprends tú a minha limba romanza?
IUNIE 2024
- 10-14 June_LITUANIA, Kaunas: 3D Modeling for Games
- 17-21 June_SPAIN, Zaragoza: Intercomprehension for Language for Specific Purposes
- 21-25 June_Germany, Weimar: Walther von Goethe’s Songs and Ballads
IULIE 2024
- 01-05 July_ITALY, Torino: Intercomprehension for Language for Specific Purposes: enology, viticulture and tourism for students
- 01-05 July_FRANCE, Pau: My 3-minute PhD
- 14-20 July_POLAND, Warsaw: Ponidzie, an inspiring environment for the projection of creators' emotions
- 15-19 July_ITALY, Torino: UNITA Borders for students
- 15-19 July_FRANCE, Pau: Intercomprehension and Interculturality
- 16-23 July_FRANCE, Chambery: GraSPA 2024 Summer School - Introduction to Particle and Astroparticle Physics
- 22-27 July_POLAND, Warsaw: Kętrzyn - a historic city of cultures, a melting pot of artistic creativity
- 22-27 July_POLAND, Warsaw: Święta Lipka - the world of nature and the immaterial world - a forge of artistic creativity
- 02-06 September_POLAND, Warsaw: Poster creation workshop preceded by a lecture on the Polish Poster School at the WIT Academy
- 02-06 September_POLAND, Warsaw: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Unreal Engine But Were Afraid to Ask
- 2023_BIP in FRANCE, Chambery_Business in Europe, Managing resilience and sustainability in Europe_JUNE
- 2023_BIP in FRANCE, Pau_Intercomprehension between Romance languages_JUNE
- 2023_BIP in FRANCE, Pau_Aesthetic choices and political implications_MARCH
- 2023_BIP in ITALY, Torino_UNITA Borders_JULY
- 2023_BIP in SPAIN, Zaragoza_The Social Functions of Museums and the Construction of Europe_APRIL
- 2023_BIP in SPAIN, Zaragoza_Intercomprehension for Language for Specific Purposes_AUGUST
- 2023_BIP in PORTUGAL, Covilha_Cohesion and sustainability for a brighter future_MARCH
- 2023_BIP in SPAIN, Zaragoza_Cultural Heritage and Depopulated Areas_OCTOBER
- 2023_BIP in FRANCE, Pau_Randopat-Heritrail 2 - Sur les Chemins de Roland_JUNE
- 2023_BIP in ITALY, Torino_Intercomprehension for Language for Specific Purposes_JULY
- 2023_BIP in PORTUGAL, Porto_Global Climate Changes and Pollution_SEPTEMBER