Citizens from Ukraine / with studies in Ukraine
Definite academic mobilities (international transfers)
For students applying for international transfers to UVT from higher education institutions in Ukraine, the following deadlines apply:
for the academic year 2021-2022, by 15 April 2022;
for the academic year 2022-2023, between 1 July and 15 September 2022.
Step 1. Eligibility:
In order to be eligible for a permanent academic mobility (transfer) at the West University of Timisoara, citizens of third countries of the European Union, coming from higher education institutions accredited in Ukraine, must provide either proof of enrollment in one of the higher education institutions accredited in Ukraine (e.g. residence permit attesting student status, student card – physical or electronic format, matriculation sheet, other documents) or a sworn statement (Power of Attorney) that they will submit these documents in the following period:
The list of higher education institutions in Ukraine can be found at:
Step 2. Required documents:
(a) If the applicant holds educational documents, the application file shall contain the following documents:
Application Form all requested information filled in entirely (please specify if you want Preparatory Year or not and attach a picture);
The study documents – legally certified copies and translations of High School Diploma (and of Bachelor Diploma if the candidate applies for Master studies); The Master Diploma as well for candidates who want to follow a PhD study programme).The documents are to be authenticated by the responsible authorities in the issuer country;
Copy and translation of the certificate – attesting the promotion of the Baccalaureat/Bachelor/Master examinations for graduates of the current academic year which do not possess the original Diploma for the time being (if the case); The document is to be authenticated by the responsible authorities in the issuer country;
Academic records – legally certified copies and translations – for the completed studies (High School and Bachelor) and the analytical curriculum in case of candidates that request equivalence for certain periods of studies; The documents are to be authenticated by the responsible authorities in the issuer country;
Birth certificate – copy and legally certified translation. The document is to be authenticated by the responsible authorities in the issuer country;
Copy of the passport – valid at least 6 months after the date when the Letter of Acceptance to studies is issued;
Medical certificate (in a widely spread international language) to prove that the person to be registered for studies does not suffer from infectious incompatible with the future profession;
Marriage license – if necessary (to prove the name change);
Copy of the document attesting the residency abroad (if the case)
Copy of the certificate attesting the graduation of the Preparatory Year in Romanian language or the linguistic competences (English, French, German) (according to language of the study programme which will be followed);
Complete contact data : postal address, e-mail address, phone number.
Application Form for definitive academic mobility (transfer)
b) If the applicant does NOT have study documents, the UVT will prepare a file for each applicant, which will include: copies of identity documents, the result of the evaluation carried out by the university with the provisions of OME 3325/02.03.2022, the UVT proposal for enrolment in the study programme, the year of study and the language of instruction, a sworn statement (Power of Attorney) by the applicant on assuming the obligation specified in art. 3, para. (3) of Annex OME 5140/2019, as amended. The Mobility Application Form will be added to these documents.
! Citizens of third countries of the European Union, coming from higher education institutions accredited in Ukraine, who do not hold study documents at the time of transfer, shall present to the West University of Timisoara, before the completion of their studies, the diplomas/education certificates that allowed them to enter the study cycle in which they were enrolled.
Step 3. Transfer procedure:
- Candidate submits the required documents to the UVT International Relations Department;
- The Department of International Relations sends the candidate’s transfer file to the faculty for which he/she has opted;
- If the faculty’s result is positive, the file will be forwarded to the Ministry of Education in Romania in order to issue a Letter of Acceptance for Studies;
The West University of Timisoara evaluates, on the basis of its own criteria established at the level of each faculty and in compliance with international best practices, the learning outcomes, competences and skills (including the level of knowledge of the language of the study programme where the transfer will take place) and decides on the recognition and granting of transferable study credits.
In case of a favourable result, the Ministry of Education in Romania will issue a Letter of Acceptance to the candidate for the completion of the administrative process;
- For EU citizens enrolled in a Ukrainian higher education institution applying for transfer to UVT in the academic years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, the procedures for transfer with recognition and equivalence of previous degrees will apply, but applications can be submitted within the timeframe established for this situation. More details at this link.
- Citizens of EU third countries from higher education institutions accredited in Ukraine can transfer at its latest in the penultimate semester of a study cycle. Students in their final year may apply for admission to UVT in 2022 to study programmes offered by UVT similar to those completed at a Ukrainian higher education institution, with the mention that UVT will offer the possibility of equivalence of studies previously completed and enrollment in the final year of study at UVT in the academic year 2022-2023.
Step 4. Tuition fees
a) In the academic years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, by exception to the above provisions, students who are citizens of Ukraine may receive funding from the state budget or from other sources through the Ministry of Education, according to Article 224 of the Law No. 1/2011 on National Education, as amended.
b) In the case of students transferring to UVT from Ukrainian higher education institutions and studying on their own in Romania in the academic year 2021-2022, the tuition fee paid for the current academic year will be calculated as the number of months spent at UVT * the amount of the monthly fee according to OG no. 22/2009 for the respective field of study. For the academic year 2022-2023 the tuition fee will be paid in full.
Useful documents
- 20th of January 2025– 1st of September, 2025 (Bachelor)
- 20th of January 2025– 1st of September, 2025 (Master)
- 20th of January 2025– 1st of September, 2025 (Preparatory Year).
! IMPORTANT: the candidates who apply between the months of December and March, will have their files sent to the Ministry of Education only starting with March 2025.
For more details on services, facilities and study programmes taught in a foreign language, please visit WUT-STUDY.
If you have any questions regarding the admission process, you are welcome to join us in the Q&A Admission Session on Zoom platform, as follows:
- 14th of February 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
- 14th of March 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
- 18th of April 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
- 16th of May 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
- 13rd of June 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
- 27th of June 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
- 11th of July 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
- 25th of July 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
- 8th of August 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
- 22nd of August 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
The Zoom login link is:
Enrollments at W.U.T. for the academic year 2024-2025 are possible until:
- 14.02.2025 (for the candidates who applied for the Romanian Language Preparatory Year);
- 21.02.2025 (for the candidates who applied for a study programme without the Romanian Language Preparatory Year).
Requests for the refund of the tuition fees of the candidates who applied in the 2024-2025 academic year can be done until the 14th of March 2025, but only according to the conditions mentioned at Section “Tuition Fee“.
In order to be eligible for the admission process at the West University of Timisoara, citizens of third countries of the European Union, coming from higher education institutions accredited in Ukraine, must provide either proof of enrolment in one of the higher education institutions accredited in Ukraine (e.g. residence permit attesting student status, student card – physical or electronic format, matriculation sheet, other documents) or a sworn statement (Power of Attorney) that they will submit these documents in the following period:
The list of higher education institutions in Ukraine can be found at:
- For EU citizens enrolled in a Ukrainian higher education institution applying for admission to UVT in the academic year 2022-2023, the procedures for admission with recognition and equivalence of previous degrees will apply, but applications can be submitted within the timeframe established for this situation. More details at this link.
- Students in their final year may apply for admission to UVT in 2022 to study programmes offered by UVT similar to those completed at a Ukrainian higher education institution, with the mention that UVT will offer the possibility of equivalence of studies previously completed and enrollment in the final year of study at UVT in the academic year 2022-2023.
Steps to follow in order to apply for studies:
- Before creating your profile on the admission platform, please check that you meet the minimum eligibility criteria. All criteria must be met. To check, go to this link.
- Choose the desired study programme;
Each candidate can create only one profile on the admission platform. Creating more than one profile for the same person is forbidden. Only the first profile created will be taken into account. Apply online through our online platform: - The International Relations Department checks the accuracy of the documents submitted. Communication with the applicant is maintained via the online platform and each person will have the possibility to bring maximum 3 changes to the initial profile. If after these 3 chances the requests of the International Relations Department are not met, the applicant’s profile will not be taken into consideration.
Completed applications will be forwarded to the applicant’s faculty of choice. - The faculty approves/rejects the application; the candidate will be informed by e-mail of the Committee’s resolution.
- Applications validated by the Faculty’s Committee will be forwarded by the Department of International Relations to the Romanian Ministry of Education in order to issue the Letter of Acceptance to study.
- The candidate awaits the resolution of the Ministry of Education. A scanned copy of the Letter of Acceptance will be sent by e-mail in case of a positive resolution or a rejection notification in case of a negative resolution.
! It is advisable to apply as soon as possible, because the process usually takes approximately 2 months from the moment the file is validated by the Faculty’s Committee. The admission files can be submitted until 01.09.2024, but the enrollment process can take place until February 2025 as long as you have submitted your admission file on time.
! The Letter of Acceptance issued by the Ministry of Education will be taken in original by the legitimate possessor. In case it cannot be taken in person by the legitimate possessor, the Letter of Acceptance can be taken by another person but only on the basis of a Letter of Attorney issued at a notary in Romanian or in a widely spread language in which it is stated that the contact person has been empowered to take the official document in the name of the legitimate possessor. In case the Letter of Acceptance will be taken by an employee of a delivery firm, the receipt provided by the delivery firm will serve as a Letter of Attorney and this responsibility will fall under the candidate and under the delivery firm.
Required documents:
a) If the applicant holds educational documents, the application file shall contain the following documents:
Application Form – all requested information filled in entirely (please specify if you want Preparatory Year or not);
The study documents – legally certified copies and translations of High School Diploma (and of Bachelor Diploma if the candidate applies for Master studies); The Master Diploma as well for candidates who want to follow a PhD study programme).The documents are to be authenticated by the responsible authorities in the issuer country;
Copy and translation of the certificate – attesting the promotion of the Baccalaureat/Bachelor/Master examinations for graduates of the current academic year which do not possess the original Diploma for the time being (if the case); The document is to be authenticated by the responsible authorities in the issuer country;
Academic records – legally certified copies and translations – for the completed studies (High School and Bachelor) and the analytical curriculum in case of candidates that request equivalence for certain periods of studies; The documents are to be authenticated by the responsible authorities in the issuer country;
Birth certificate – copy and legally certified translation. The document is to be authenticated by the responsible authorities in the issuer country;
Copy of the passport – valid at least 6 months after the date when the Letter of Acceptance to studies is issued;
Medical certificate (in a widely spread international language) to prove that the person to be registered for studies does not suffer from infectious incompatible with the future profession;
Marriage license – if necessary (to prove the name change);
Copy of the document attesting the residency abroad (if the case) ;
Copy of the certificate attesting the graduation of the Preparatory Year in Romanian language or the linguistic competences (English, French, German) (according to language of the study programme which will be followed);
Complete contact data: postal address, e-mail address, phone number.
b) If the applicant does NOT have study documents, the UVT will prepare a file for each applicant, which will include: copies of identity documents, the result of the evaluation carried out by the university with the provisions of OME 3325/02.03.2022, the UVT proposal for enrolment in the study programme, the year of study and the language of instruction, a sworn statement by the applicant on assuming the obligation specified in art. 3, para. (3) of Annex OME 5140/2019, as amended.
! Citizens of third countries of the European Union, coming from higher education institutions accredited in Ukraine, who do not hold study documents at the time of admission, shall present to the West University of Timisoara, before the completion of their studies, the diplomas/education certificates that allowed them to enter the study cycle in which they were enrolled.
The financial regime for citizens of Ukraine applying to study at UVT in the 2024-2025 admission session will be a tax regime, similar to the one that Romanian/ E.U. citizens have of approximately 800 euro per academic year with the possibility of fee exemption. The West University of Timisoara evaluates the files according to the regulations in force and sends to Ministry of Education in Romania the list of candidates proposed for the issuance of the Letter of Acceptance to study, following which the enrolment will be carried out according to the Methodology for Admission to Studies at the West University of Timisoara for Third Country Nationals.
The financial regime for citizens from EU third countries, graduates of a pre-university/university education will be a tax regime for EU third countries according to Government Ordinance no. 22/2009.
More details concerning the tuition fee for EU third countries graduates who do not have a Ukrainian citizenship can be accessed at the following link.
Contact: (e-mail:, Phone: +40256592227)
- Contact:, Phone: +40256592227
- Monday-Thursday 10:00 – 14:00 GMT+3