
The Visiting@WUT grant programme is divided into two components: Visiting Professor and Visiting Researcher. Therefore a teacher or researcher from an accredited Higher Education Institution and / or a Research Institute abroad is eligible.

General activities:

  • Mention of (co-)affiliation with UVT in every published work, participation in a conference, organization of an event, project submission, patent obtained during or as a result of the Visiting@UVT grant;
  • Active participation in the activities and events of the UVT academic community and to support the academic initiatives of the host Faculty and Department;
  • Sending a detailed activity report to the program coordinator at the end of the grant;
  • Sending a detailed activity report to the program coordinator at the end of the grant;
  • Activation as a UVT Ambassador in the universities and institutes of origin, and presentation of the Visting@UVT grants program to the respective communities.

Short description for Visiting Professors activities:

  • To offer at least one teaching discipline (with related course and seminar activities) whose activity will take place during a whole or modular semester (proposal, development, teaching, evaluation);
  • To organize at least one other type of activity (course/seminar/round table, lecture) and/or engage in (co)-tutoring, (co)-coordinating thesis activities, editing volumes, etc.

Short description for Visiting Researchers activities:

  • to carry out research activities;
  • in the case of short-term grants: to send at least 1 article for publication (Web of Science/ Scopus, depending on the main research fields of the host Faculty/DPPD);
  • in the case of long-term grants: to send for publication at least 2 articles (Web of Science/ Scopus, depending on the main research fields of the host Faculty/DPPD) or book chapters to internationally recognized academic publishing houses;
  • in the case of research in collaboration with UVT colleagues, to contribute to the submission of at least one Horizon Europe 2020 project proposal or equivalent.

! For details concerning eligibility criteria, calendar deadlines, application documents, benefits, grant periods, the selection process and others, please check the Call for Application Visiting@WUT mentioned below.

Call for application – Visiting@WUT

Contact: Claudia POPESCU (e-mail:, Phone: +40256592653)