Erasmus + Incoming Students

General information

With ERASMUS+, you can benefit from a mobility for studies or for placement at the West University of Timisoara.

  • Erasmus+ offers financial support to study/ to do a placement mobility at our university (please check with your university International Office for details on the study grant they can offer you);
  • The study period is one or two semesters. The placement period is flexible, depending on the type of activities.
  • Courses successfully followed here will be recognized by your university based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
Erasmus+ Departamental Coordinators-contacts

Each one of the 11 faculties of the West University of Timişoara appointed one or more academic staff member/s for coordination of the Erasmus+ programme. This coordinator solely provides support concerning the academic dimension of the mobilities and can help you with information about available courses and other academic details before the arrival or during your stay in Timisoara.

A list of our Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinators and their contact details is available below.


Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobilities

West University of Timisoara offers a unique opportunity for students from partner universities to pursue an internship at the Department of International Relations within the Erasmus + /KA1 – Mobilities for Traineeship. The internship programme is also open to Romanian students already enrolled at our institution.

The Department of International Relations is a service at university central level for international and home students, as well as academics. It provides a range of well-structured information on studying at the West University of Timisoara to international students, whether still in their home country or on starting their studies in Timisoara. Our staff goes to great length to facilitate the start of the academic life in Timisoara for international students, by helping them with any difficulties that may occur during their studies and/or stay. We also offer information and services to Romanian students about various possibilities to study abroad.


Task description:

Supporting the staff of the Department of International Relations in their everyday work. See positions in the department: DRI staff



  • B1/B2 knowledge of English
  • Good level of organizational skills
  • Experience in working with various computer programs (Microsoft Office)
  • Reliability and enthusiasm!

What we offer:

  • information on living and working in the city of Timisoara
  • accommodation provided in our dormitories (about 40€ /month rent&expenses)
  • access to student discounts by registering as a guest student
  • information on available language courses
  • assistance in any problem before the mobility (Visa etc.)

How to apply:
Please send us an application via email and you will be contacted for an interview if the application is accepted.

Our Department does not discriminate based on race, gender, nationality, religion or sexual orientation in regards to selecting interns that work with us.

Your application should contain:

  • introduction letter
  • Europass CV in English
  • scanned copy of your degree/ your study records

The team of the Department of International Relations is looking forward to receiving your application and welcoming you to our team!

Blended Intensive Programmes

Blended Intensive Programmes are short-term study mobilities for students that combine a physical and virtual component. By enabling new and more flexible mobility formats that combine physical mobility with a virtual part, blended intensive programmes aim at reaching all types of students from all backgrounds, study fields and cycles.

Generally, the physical mobility lasts 5 days (excluding travel time), while the compulsory virtual component can take part before or after the physical component and it is meant to facilitate collaborative online learning exchange and teamwork.

A blended mobility for studies must award a minimum of 3 ECTS credits.

Should you be interested in participating in any of the BIPs from West University of Timisoara, please send an e-mail to for further details.

BIP Offer at West University of Timisoara 2025:


Blended Intensive Programme Title

Academic coordinator

Academic coordinator e-mail

Physical component


Auf den Spuren von Kulturen: Multikulturalität in Temeswar/ Timișoara (On the trail of cultures: Multiculturalism in Timișoara)

Mihaela Sandor

17th -21st of March 2025


Crossing Linguistic Borders – Translating in United Europe

Eliza Filimon

24th -28th of March 2025


Intercomprehension for Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP)

Valy Ceia

24th -28th of March 2025


Spring school for sharing clarinet musical heritage

Cosmin-Teodor Hărșian

8th – 12th of April 2025 


New Economy and New Green Deal using the Example of Accounting

Rodica Blidisel

28th of April – 2nd of May 2025 


Declensions of self-narrative among plurilingual Romance authors

Ileana Neli Eiben

05th  – 09th of May 2025


Organizational Performance in the 21st Century by  driving Innovation in Green HRM 

Denisa Abrudan

12th -16th of May 2025


Environmental Law in a Comparative Perspective

Raluca Bercea 

19th -23rd of May 2025


The Future of Business Embracing Digital Transformation

Aura Domil

02nd – 06th of June 2025

Ana-Maria MECEA, Erasmus+ Incoming Officer for Long-Term Study Mobilities, e-mail:, tel: +4025659227

Flavia Miruna SERES, Erasmus+ Incoming Officer for Short-Term Study Mobilities, e-mail:, tel:+40256592682