I was selected by my university. What now ?


The International Office of your university has to nominate you as an Erasmus student at West University of Timisoara (RO TIMISOA01), using this Recommended form

Application procedure:

  1. Fill data using the form received on your email address from erasmus.incoming@e-uvt.ro
  2. Complete Learning Agreement using the new platform offered by Erasmus+ Programme: Online Learning Agreement

***if your University can’t use the Online Learning Agreement platform for now, then send us the Learning Agreement signed in the form of your University.

Data you need to complete regarding us (the Host Institution):  
Name of Institution: West University of Timisoara
Erasmus University code: RO TIMISOA01
Faculty/ Department: check the email that you have received from us- see assigned department.
Receiving Responsible Person contact hereErasmus+ Department Coordinator

(Related to the Faculty you will be studying)

*The Departmental Coordinator signs the learning agreement.

Receiving Administrative Contact Person: Name: Ana-Maria, Surname: Mecea, email: erasmus.incoming@e-uvt.ro

Data you need to complete regarding your Home Institution: please contact your University.  

Courses at West University of Timisoara here

***For Erasmus Students Mobility there are two languages of instruction: Romanian and/or English for courses taught at our university.
However, incoming Erasmus students usually carry out assignments in English and furthermore, most members of the teaching staff offer materials in English to incoming Erasmus students. Almost all, if not all, people at the University generally speak English and nobody should have any communication problems. However, this means that the student’s proficiency in English language is at an adequate level (level of competence in the English language should be at least B1, according to the CEFR). In exceptional cases, other languages (i.e. French or German) may be used as the instruction language.

The nominated Erasmus+ students whose mother tongue is other than English, French, Italian, German or Spanish may be asked to attach to the application a Certificate of English language (it can be an official document or one issued by their home university).

Erasmus students can also study Romanian as a Foreign Language both semesters (5 ECTS credits/semester).

  1. Download and send your Learning Agreement to erasmus.incoming@e-uvt.ro after you have it signed by home and host University, as explained above.
  2. Send Copy of ID or Passport (mandatory for non-EU)

 *** Learning Agreement and Copy of the ID or Passport should be sent to Administrative Contact below


Erasmus+ Incoming Officer: Ana-Maria Mecea
e-mail: erasmus.incoming@e-uvt.ro

Erasmus Departmental Coordinator

Deadline for nomination
First Semester (Autumn term): 1st of June

Second Semester (Spring term): 15th of November 

Deadline for application:

First Semester (Autumn term): 15th of June

Second Semester (Spring term): 1st of December 

Academic Calendar