DRI Team



Director of International Relations
UNITA Institutional Coordinator

UNITA Office


Coordinates the activities of the Department for International Relations at West University of Timișoara and manages the activities of WUT in the European Universities Alliance UNITA. Ensures the implementation of WUT’s global cooperation and internationalisation strategy and contributes to the development of institutional policies concerning internationalisation with and for all. Coordinates the collaboration between the Department of International Relations and WUT faculties, as well as the collaboration between the Department and other relevant institutions at national and international levels. Coordinates the integration processes of West University of Timisoara in UNITA, as well as those of valorizing the UNITA membership towards increasing WUT’s institutional capacity.



Head of Division for Global Partnerships and International Students

Cabinet: DRI


Coordinates the activities of the Division for Global Partnerships and International Students, the admission and international transfers (definitive academic mobilities) at the West University of Timisoara (WUT) for international citizens who intend to follow a full-degree Bachelor and Master study programme, in collaboration with the faculties of WUT and contributes to implementing international marketing activities in order to: recruit international students, recruit international lecturers, establish cooperation agreements in the field of education and research, create membership opportunities in international associations and institutions, participate in international events in the field of Higher Education, etc.


Officer for International Students

Cabinet: DRI


Responsible for international students (Non EU citizens). Informs interested persons about enrolment and admission to bachelor, master and doctoral studies (conditions, necessary documents, fees), in accordance with the national Methodologies in force and WUT Regulations. Ensures communication with the Ministry (General Department of International Relations and European Affairs) and submits the necessary documents for the issuance of the Letter of Acceptance. Ensures communication with recruitment platforms, Social Media channels and participation in international student recruitment fairs. Ensures the processing of tuition fee reimbursement requests in accordance with the national Methodologies in force and WUT Regulations.


Officer for International Students

Cabinet: DRI


Responsible for international students (EU and Non EU citizens) – informs interested persons about enrolment and admission to bachelor, master and doctoral studies (conditions, necessary documents, fees), in accordance with the national Methodologies in force and WUT Regulations. Assists international students to register for the admission processes within the faculties of WUT. Ensures communication with the Ministry (National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas and General Directorate of International Relations and European Affairs) and submits the necessary documents for the issuance of the Certificate of Equivalence of Studies and for the issuance of the Letter of Acceptance. Ensures communication with CNRED regarding the issuance of certificates of employment in various projects within the UVT of international citizens with baccalaureate, bachelor, master degrees.

Ionela-Claudia POPESCU

International Lecturers Officer

Cabinet: DRI

Ionela-Claudia POPESCU

Provides informational and administrative support to international lecturers/collaborators who will be employed at WUT (as well as throughout the duration of their activity) based on an Order of Ministry or a bilateral agreement concluded in this regard. Facilitates communication with the Department of Human Resources and the faculties regarding the employment of international lecturers engaged in long-term activities at WUT. Facilitates communication with Embassies, the Ministry of resort or other institutions supporting the work of international lecturers, both before and after the issuance of the Order of Ministry or similar approvals. Ensures the implementation of the “Visiting@WUT” program for international lecturers, in collaboration with the faculties and specialised administrative structures of WUT.

Alex-Gabriel BALTAC

Global Cooperation Officer

Cabinet: DRI

Alex-Gabriel BALTAC

Ensures communication between WUT and the international associations/networks of which the university is a member. Offers administrative support in the development of international cooperation with strategic partners: universities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, research centers, international companies and foundations, diplomatic missions in Romania and abroad. Manages, alongside UVT faculties, academic exchange programs for students, faculty, and researchers within international university associations and networks, as well as international mobility organized under bilateral agreements (excluding ERASMUS). Ensures the implementation of activities included within these at UVT, together with the faculties.



Head of Division for European Cooperation
ERASMUS+ Institutional Coordinator

DRI Office


Coordinates the activities of the Division for European Cooperation at West University of Timișoara and ensures the institutional coordination of the Erasmus+ programme at WUT in accordance with the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) of WUT and under the conditions stipulated by the programme guide. Coordinates the communication between the Division for European Cooperation and the faculties within WUT, as well as with other relevant institutions at national and international levels (National Agency for Community Programs in the Field of Education and Professional Training – ANPCDEFP- from Bucharest, bodies of the European Union and the European Economic Area in the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme).


Erasmus+ Officer, Coordinator of Erasmus+ Office

Erasmus+ Office


Manages the bilateral agreements for Erasmus+ mobilities, from their initiation phase until the finalisation of the signing process. Coordinates the activities of the Erasmus+ Office within the Division for European Cooperation regarding the processes of promoting, organizing, implementing and monitoring the Erasmus+ mobility programme at West University of Timisoara, as well as reporting the activities of the Erasmus+ Office to the Erasmus+ National Agency.

Ana-Maria MECEA

Erasmus+ Incoming Officer for Studies

Erasmus+ Office

Ana-Maria MECEA​

Coordinates Erasmus+ Incoming mobilities at the West University of Timişoara for students since their nomination from our partner institutions, until the final paperwork concerning the mobility is sent out to the beneficiaries and/or the partner institutions. Ensures the promotion of the Erasmus + mobility offer at UVT among the university partners.

Flavia SEREȘ

Erasmus+ Incoming Officer for Short Term Mobilities

Erasmus+ Office

Flavia SEREȘ

Coordinates the Erasmus+ Incoming mobilities for international teaching and non-teaching staff with the aim of organising teaching and/or training activities within the Erasmus+ program. Implements recurring events such as the Erasmus+ International Week (teaching and training) for international academic and administrative staff.

Coordinates short-term mobilities (Blended Intensive Programmes) for international students conducted within the Erasmus+ Program in collaboration with the local coordinators of the Blended Intensive Programs.


Erasmus+ Outgoing Officer for Studies

Erasmus+ Office


The Erasmus+ Outgoing Study Mobility program at UVT is organized and implemented by providing guidance to students for obtaining an Erasmus+ grant. The promotion and management of international mobility projects at the West University of Timișoara are handled, starting from the selection of beneficiaries and continuing through to the return of the students to their home country.

Denisa BULZA

Erasmus+ Outgoing Officer for Long-term Traineeship Mobilities

Erasmus+ Office

Denisa BULZA

Coordinates the Outgoing Long-term Traineeship mobilities for students carried out within the Erasmus+ Programme. Ensures counselling and monitoring of the UVT students who intend to carry out a long-term traineeship mobility abroad, from the intention to apply for an Erasmus+ grant within the selection process to the return from the mobility, respectively the final reporting of the mobilities. Promotes international mobility projects among UVT students and ensures the implementation of these.

Bianca BEKIR

Erasmus+ Outgoing Officer for Short-term mobilities

Erasmus+ Office

Bianca BEKIR

Coordinates the Outgoing Short-term mobilities for students carried out within the Erasmus+ Programme. Ensures counselling and monitoring of the UVT students who intend to carry out a short-term mobility abroad, from the intention to apply for an Erasmus+ grant within the selection process to the return from the mobility, respectively the final reporting of the mobilities. Initiates inter-institutional communication with the host university by nominating UVT students who are Erasmus+ grant winners. Promotes international mobility projects among UVT students and ensures the implementation of the two types of short-term mobility: Short-term Blended Mobility and Short-term Doctoral Mobility.

Alexandru DOBRESCU

Erasmus+ Outgoing Officer for Teaching and Training

Erasmus+ Office

Alexandru DOBRESCU

Coordinates the teaching and training mobility carried out through the Erasmus+ programme, advises and monitors the teaching staff and administrative staff of WUT who intend to carry out a teaching / training mobility, before their application for an Erasmus mobility, throughout the selection process, during the development of their mobility and until final reporting of the mobility and of the results obtained through the teaching / training activity at the partner institution.


Communications Assistant UNITA

UNITA Office


Ensures communication between the UNITA Office and other structures or substructures within the West University of Timișoara, but also within the European universities alliance UNITA, between WUT and other partners. Helps in the organisation of all events that are related to UNITA at the West University of Timișoara. Promotes projects and other opportunities that may arise from the allegiance of the University to the UNITA alliance among students, academic and administrative staff.