E.U. Citizens

Diploma validation and equivalence procedure for citizens from member states of the European Union / European Economic Area/ Swiss Confederation, who want to apply for studies at West University of Timișoara

Candidates from Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area and from the Swiss Confederation who have obtained final baccalaureate or equivalent diplomas in a European country other than Romania, must have their studies recognized and validatedat the National Centre for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED), within the Ministry of Education and Research, which will issue the Certificate/attestation of Equivalence, a document that confers the same rights to its holders as to those who have studied in Romania. According to the Law 199/2023, with subsequent amendments and additions (art. 35, alin. (4)), citizens of the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation, as well as British citizens and members of their families, as beneficiaries of the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community 2019/C 384 I/01, have access to university studies under the same conditions as Romanian citizens, including tuition fees.

The procedures for the recognition and equivalence of studies will be carried out through the Department of International Relations (DRI) of  UVT, by submitting the necessary files  for equivalence, which will be subsequently forwarded by DRI to MECdu-CNRED. DRI will maintain communication with CNRED and the applicant and will issue a certificate attesting that his/her study documents have been sent for recognition and equivalence to MECdu-CNRED. Based on this attestation, the candidate may participate in the July or September admission sessions, being exempted from the obligation to present a certificate/attestation of equivalence at the time of admission.

Registration period for submission of files at W.U.T for validation of study diplomas for the academic year 2025 – 2026:

  • February 2025 – 20th of August 2026: for admission at a Bachelor+ Master study programme (prevalently processed);
  • February 2024: with 30 days before the beginning of the study programme (for admission at a PhD study programme or at a postuniversitary programme of continuous professional development).

The deadline for eventual submissions of potential additional documents to the already existing file is of maximum one year from the initial moment of its submission(it is advisable to submit the documents one month earlier). In case the additional documents are not submitted within this period of time, the original fie will not be taken into consideration anymore and a new file will have to be submitted according to the existing legislation.

  1. The candidates inform themselves at the secretary/ on the website of the faculty where they wish to be admitted at concerning the admission requirements.
  2. The candidates submit the file for the recognition of their previous studies from abroad at the Department of International Relations at least one month before the admission in July/September. Even so, the sooner they apply, the better.
  3. Once they have a Certificate of Recognition, the candidates prepare the admission file requested by the faculty. ! The Certificate of Recognition is only one document from the admission file which the candidates need to provide the secretary of the faculty with. The Certificate of Recognition is the only document from the admission file that can be obtained with the support of the Department of International Relations in approximately 30 working days.
  4. The candidates submit their admission files on the online admission platform (admitere.uvt.ro)
  5. The candidates sit the exams/interviews organized by the faculty.
  6. The candidates have to wait for the results.
  7. The candidates confirm their place (if the case) once they know the results.
  8. The candidates enrol and submit the original documents requested by the faculty.
  9. If the issuing of the Certificate of Recognition is delayed and it is obtained after the admission session in July or September. The department of International Relations will provide the candidate with a provisional document replacing the Certificate of Recognition until it arrives from the Ministry of Education and Research.
  10. The Certificate of Recognition can either be included in the admission file in July or September (if it arrives on time) or shall be taken by the candidates at the secretary of the faculty when it arrives at the Department of International Relations. The deadline for adding the Certificate of Recognition to the initial admission documents is settled by each faculty. The Department of International Relations informs the candidates when the Certificate of Recognition arrives from the Ministry of Education and it will be sent to the candidate electronically.

 The rest of the documents and steps that they need to take concerning the admission process is strictly the responsibility of the candidates.

A. Application Form and necessary documents list may be accessed at the following link.

B. In addition to the documents under point A, by Decision no. 28, adopted at the U.V.T. Senate meeting of March 23, 2010, a fee of 100 RON was established for the processing and transmission to the C.N.R.E.D.- M.E.C. of the applications of candidates who are citizens of the EU Member States, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation. The fee is to be paid for each application submitted via the admission platform or by bank transfer. The fee is not payable by persons enjoying a form of international protection.

The Beneficiary: Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara (West University of Timișoara)
Address of the Beneficiary: Bd.Vasile Parvan, Nr.4, 300223-Timișoara
Bank: Banca Transilvania
IBAN: RO05BTRL03601202618849XX

The receipt / payment order / postal order will specify at the payer section, the name of the candidate, as written in the study document, IBAN and the reference "taxa procesare dosar CNRED" for the payment to be valid.

C. For the equivalence of your study documents, please make sure you have one of the diplomas mentioned at the following link.

D. According to the country where your study documents were issued, please check whether you need the documents to be authenticated with the Hague Apostille or legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by the Embassy of Romania in the issuer country: https://www.cnred.edu.ro/en/list-of-countries-for-which-the-authentication-of-study-documents-is-requested

Submit your admission file to the Department of International Relations online to rebeca.dragomir@e-uvt.ro


!When coming for enrollment, he candidates will present their study documents at the faculty that they have decided to apply for, in original, along with the necessary translations (if the case).

A. Application Form and necessary documents list may be accessed at the following link.

B. In addition to the documents under point A, by Decision no. 28, adopted at the U.V.T. Senate meeting of March 23, 2010, a fee of 100 RON was established for the processing and transmission to the C.N.R.E.D.- M.E.C. of the applications of candidates who are citizens of the EU Member States, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation. The fee is to be paid for each application submitted via the admission platform or by bank transfer. The fee is not payable by persons enjoying a form of international protection.

The Beneficiary: Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara (West University of Timișoara)
Address of the Beneficiary: Bd.Vasile Parvan, Nr.4, 300223-Timișoara
Bank: Banca Transilvania
IBAN: RO05BTRL03601202618849XX


The receipt / payment order / postal order will specify at the payer section, the name of the candidate, as written in the study document, IBAN and the reference "taxa procesare dosar CNRED" for the payment to be valid.

Complete contact data: postal address, e-mail address, phone number.
GDPR Form;

C. For the equivalence of your study documents, please make sure you have one of the diplomas mentioned at the following link.

D. According to the country where your study documents were issued, please check whether you need the documents to be authenticated with the Hague Apostille or legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by the Embassy of Romania in the issuer country: https://www.cnred.edu.ro/en/list-of-countries-for-which-the-authentication-of-study-documents-is-requested

Submit your admission file to the Department of International Relations online to. rebeca.dragomir@e-uvt.ro


!When coming for enrollment, he candidates will present their study documents at the faculty that they have decided to apply for, in original, along with the necessary translations (if the case).

For information regarding enrollment in doctoral studies, please contact the Office for Doctoral Studies of the U.V.T., located in Timişoara, on Paris Street, no. 1 or access the following link: www.uvt.ro/cercetare/doctorat/studii-universitare-de-doctorat/

A.Studies in Romanian Language

For those who will study in Romanian language – if the candidate knows the Romanian Language but does not have a Romanian Language Certificate, he/she must obtain it following an exam. Only after passing this language exam, the candidate shall be accepted into the first year of study. If the candidate does not know Romanian language, he/she must attend the Preparatory Year for learning Romanian language During the Preparatory Year the candidates will learn the basic Romanian vocabulary and the specific vocabulary needed for the future studies (anatomy, physics, chemistry, arts, technical drawing etc).

When registering for study programs that require Romanian linguistic competence, the following categories of persons are exempt from the obligation to present the certificate of graduation from the Romanian language preparatory year:

a. candidates who present Romanian educational documents (diplomas and certificates) issued following the graduation from study programs taught in Romanian or educational documents / school records attesting at least three consecutive years of studies in Romanian, in a school or higher education institution of the national system in Romania or abroad;

b. candidates who present certificates issues in Romania attesting a level of at least B1 in Romanian language;

c. candidates who pass the Romanian language test and obtain the Certificate of Romanian language proficiency. The examination may be taken in the higher education institution where the candidate wishes to study, if this higher education institution runs an authorised/provisionally authorised or accredited/accredited specialisation / study programme in Romanian language and literature, or in another accredited higher education institution running such a specialisation / study programme. Following this examination, a certificate of language proficiency will be issued.

The examination may be taken in the higher education institution where the candidate wishes to study, if this higher education institution runs an authorised/provisionally authorised or accredited/accredited specialisation / study programme in Romanian language and literature, or in another accredited higher education institution running such a specialisation / study programme. Following this examination, a certificate of language proficiency will be issued.

The tuition fee for the Preparatory Program of Romanian Language for Foreign Citizens, for the categories of candidates included in this Annex will be paid in lei, in the amount of 3500 lei, in accordance with the university fees for the current academic year, approved by decision of the UVT Senate.

More information: www.ri.uvt.ro (International Students – Romanian Language Preparatory Year).

B.Studies in Foreign Languages:

For those who want to study in a foreign language, a language test is required if the candidate cannot prove that he/she had previously studied in the respective language. The persons that come from countries where the official language is the language in which the courses are run and the persons who have an internationally acknowledged language certificate will be exempt from this test.

For those who want to study into international foreign languages, West University of Timisoara has the following Undergraduate/Bachelor options: For more details concerning this aspect, please access the section: Study Programmes in Foreign Languages.

The tuition fess for citizens from E.U.countries are calculated in the same amount as the tuition fees for Romanian citizens of approximately 3000 RON per academic year.

Registrations for doctoral studies are at : CSUD, Council for Doctoral Studies.

Foreign citizens from member states of the European Union, European Economic Area and Swiss Confederation that registered to stay in Romania for studies for more than 3 months must register their stay for studies purposes to the Romanian Service for Foreigners, Timiș, with the following documents:

  • Typified request from the Immigration Office, Timiș
  • Student Certificate, from the Department of International Relations for prolonging study visa. The candidate shall request a document called “Adeverința” from the secretary of the faculty where he/she was enrolled at attesting his/her academic status. Then, the candidate shall bring that paper to the Department of International Relations where a Certificate shall be prepared in this sense for the Immigration Office in 2 working days.;
  • Documents needed for crossing the border: Passport (having study visa on it);
  • Proof of European Health insurance
  • Proof of living space (rental agreement or hostel contract)
  • Proof of means of maintenance (You can prove your means of subsistence with one of the following documents: bank statement, tax return or other equivalent documents.)

For more information in this respect, please access the following link: https://igi.mai.gov.ro/en/citizens-of-eu-eea/

Address: Str. Andrei Mocioni, nr. 8-10, Timișoara
Phone: 0256-402430/Fax : 0256-402475
E-mail: tm.ori@mai.gov.ro

Contact: Rebeca DRAGOMIR (Phone: +40256592227, E-mail: rebeca.dragomir@e-uvt.ro)