Povești de mobilitate

PORTUGAL- ROMANIA- FRANCE 2024, ONLINE: 8-10 OCT 2024, 5-7 NOV 2024, ONSITE 21-25 OCT 2024
Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) address the educational change which combins digital and in-person learning in an innovative way. The recent BIP: Cardinal drive for successful HR in Organizations held by Instituto Politechnico di Guarda from Portugal attracted a diverse group of participants from France – Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, Université du Littoral Côte d’ Opale ISCID-CO, International Business School, Romania - West University of Timisoara and Portugal – Instituto Politecnico Guarda and provides a dynamic learning opportunities for all the participants. Our university was represented by a delegation from FEAA UVT which included 5 students: Anisia Micaela Szabo, Mario Bonchis, Robert Bugarsky, Mihai Jurchescu and Laurentiu Dobra and 1 professor: Assoc. Prof. Denisa Abrudan PhD and Prof. Hab. Gratiela Noja, PhD.
During 3 weeks the participants - students and professors - had an exciting learning experience journey: classes, training, debates and extracurricular activities - which create a tremendously successful project. Specifically, student teams were engaged with managers, employees, gathered information, and approached the company challenge from their perspectives under the guidance of faculty members. 7 companies were implicated in this program.
The main value of this project is that the students gained hands-on experience, honed soft skills, collaborated across cultures and businesses benefited from student-proposed solutions.
A special thank you to all which can make possible this BIP – organizators - professor Elisa Figueiredo, professor Ricardo Guerra, professor Manuela Natario, Department for International Relations from Instituto Politecnico Guarda and UVT, students and international professors.
All their commitment and time invested in this project were vital.
Friendship without frontieres.
Vrem să ne spui povestea ta de mobilitate!
Dacă în urma experienței voastre ați simțit că oportunitățile Erasmus+ merită explorate și de către colegii voștri, vă invităm să le împărtășiți! Text, video, fotografii, colaje etc. – orice format vă este mai drag, noi îl primim cu bucurie: bianca.moldovan@e-uvt.ro