Foreign Students – EU Third Countries




The admission process for citizens from E.U. third countries is performed according to the Methodology for admission to Studies at the West University of Timisoara for Third Country Nationals, through the decision no. 6 from 19.02.2024


  • 20th of January 2025– 1st of September, 2025 (Bachelor)
  • 20th of January 2025– 1st of September, 2025 (Master)
  • 20th of January 2025– 1st of September, 2025 (Preparatory Year)
  • 20th of January 2025– 1st of August, 2025 (WUT Scholarship for all study cycles)


! IMPORTANT: the candidates who apply between the months of January and March, will have their files sent to the Ministry of Education only starting with March 2025


Starting with this year, the appointments for the issuance of the Residence Permit are conducted through the West University of Timișoara. Each Monday, a number of 25 students will be scheduled within availability to the Immigration Office. 


For more details on services, facilities and study programmes taught in a foreign language, please visit WUT-STUDY.

If you have any questions regarding the admission process, you are welcome to join us in the Q&A Admission Session on Zoom platform, as follows: 

  • 14th of February 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
  • 14th of March 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
  • 18th of April 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
  • 16th of May 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
  • 13rd of June 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
  • 27th of June 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
  • 11th of July 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
  • 25th of July 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
  • 8th of August 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)
  • 22nd of August 2025, 12:00-13:00 (Bucharest time)

The Zoom login link is:

Enrollments at W.U.T. for the academic year 2024-2025 are possible until:

  • 14.02.2025 (for the candidates who applied for the Romanian Language Preparatory Year);
  • 21.02.2025 (for the candidates who applied for a study programme without the Romanian Language Preparatory Year).

Requests for the refund of the tuition fees of the candidates who applied in the 2024-2025 academic year can be done until the 14th of March 2025, but only according to the conditions mentioned at Section “Tuition fee refund“.

Steps to follow in order to apply for studies:

  1. Before creating your profile on the admission platform, please check that you meet the minimum eligibility criteria. All criteria must be met. To check, go to this link.
  2. Choose the desired study programme;
    Each candidate can create only one profile on the admission platform. Creating more than one profile for the same person is forbidden. Only the first profile created will be taken into account. Apply online through our online platform:
  3. The International Relations Department checks the accuracy of the documents submitted. Communication with the applicant is maintained via the online platform and each person will have the possibility to bring maximum 3 changes to the initial profile. If after these 3 chances the requests of the International Relations Department are not met, the applicant's profile will not be taken into consideration.
    Completed applications will be forwarded to the applicant's faculty of choice.
  4. The faculty approves/rejects the application; the candidate will be informed by e-mail of the Committee's resolution.
  5. Applications validated by the Faculty's Committee will be forwarded by the Department of International Relations to the Romanian Ministry of Education in order to issue the Letter of Acceptance to study.
  6. The candidate awaits the resolution of the Ministry of Education. A scanned copy of the Letter of Acceptance will be sent by e-mail in case of a positive resolution or a rejection notification in case of a negative resolution.

! It is advisable to apply as soon as possible, because the process usually takes approximately 2 months from the moment the file is validated by the Faculty's Committee. The admission files can be submitted until 01.09.2025, but the enrollment process can take place until February 2026 as long as you have submitted your admission file on time.

! The Letter of Acceptance issued by the Ministry of Education will be taken in original by the legitimate possessor. In case it cannot be taken in person by the legitimate possessor, the Letter of Acceptance can be taken by another person but only on the basis of a Letter of Attorney issued at a notary in Romanian or in a widely spread language in which it is stated that the contact person has been empowered to take the official document in the name of the legitimate possessor. In case the Letter of Acceptance will be taken by an employee of a delivery firm, the receipt provided by the delivery firm will serve as a Letter of Attorney and this responsibility will fall under the candidate and under the delivery firm.

The moment the candidate is in possession of the Letter of Acceptance, it is the candidate’s responsibility to apply for obtaining the study visa at the responsible institutions in his/her country and only the moment he/she obtains the study visa, the candidate can present himself/herself at the enrollment process in person, at the secretary of the faculty where he/she was admitted at. In case the candidate needs any specific document for their visa application that the university can provide, the candidate is asked to address himself/herself to the Department of International Relations WUT. Also, in case the candidate is already in possession of a residence permit issued in Romania, always check at the Immigration Office in Timișoara the availability of the document. 

Once the candidate is in possession of the Letter of Acceptance to Study, it is his/her responsibility to apply for a study visa at the responsible institutions in his/her country and only when he/she obtains the study visa, the candidate can present him/herself for the registration process at UVT.

Visa application procedure - How should I apply?

Obtaining the study visa is strictly the responsibility of the candidate admitted to study and the information below is for information purposes only.

  • We recommend the use of the eVisa portal (, by all visa applicants, in order to submit visa applications online and to obtain online appointments for the subsequent submission of applications in person at the competent Romanian diplomatic mission or consular office (DM/CP).
  • The list of Romanian DM/CP abroad and their contact details are available at
  • In accordance with the legal provisions, visas must be applied for at the Romanian DM/CP which is competent for the applicant's country of origin, depending on the consular jurisdiction.

* To apply for a visa online, make sure you follow all the steps described on the website, at the section "Information" - useful links "How to apply for a Romanian visa online". This section contains information on the steps you need to follow to apply for a visa online (

In case the candidate needs any specific document that the university can issue for the visa process, candidates are kindly asked to contact the International Relations Department at Also, if the candidate is already in possession of a residence permit issued in Romania, please check the validity of your document at the Timis Immigration Service.

1. Application Form – all requested information filled in entirely (please specify if you want Preparatory Year or not and attach a picture);

2.The study documents – legally certified copies and translations of High School Diploma (and of Bachelor Diploma if the candidate applies for Master studies); The Master Diploma as well for candidates who want to follow a PhD study programme).The documents are to be authenticated by the responsible authorities in the issuer country; You can consult here the list of academic performance criteria for citizens from EU third countries

3.Copy and translation of the certificate – attesting the promotion of the Baccalaureat/Bachelor/Master examinations for graduates of the current academic year which do not possess the original Diploma for the time being (if the case);The document is to be authenticated by the responsible authorities in the issuer country;

4.Academic records - legally certified copies and translations – for the completed studies (High School and Bachelor) and the analytical curriculum in case of candidates that request equivalence for certain periods of studies; The documents are to be authenticated by the responsible authorities in the issuer country;

5.Birth certificate - copy and legally certified translation. The document is to be authenticated by the responsible authorities in the issuer country;

6.Copy of the passport – valid at least 6 months after the date when the Letter of Acceptance to studies is issued;

7.Medical certificate (in a widely spread international language) to prove that the person to be registered for studies does not suffer from infectious incompatible with the future profession;

8.Marriage license – if necessary (to prove the name change);

9.Copy of the document attesting the residency abroad (if the case) ;

10.Copy of the certificate attesting the graduation of the Preparatory Year in Romanian language or the linguistic competences(English, French, German) (according to language of the study programme which will be followed);

11. Contact details form: e-mail address, phone number.

12.Proof of the 100 euro payment, the Application Fee (non-refundable)

The application fee must be paid in the following account:

Beneficiary: Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara (West University of Timisoara)
University address: Vasile Pârvan, No.4
Bank name: Banca Comercială Română (Romanian Commercial Bank)
Bank address: Sucursala Timișoara (Timisoara Branch), No.11, Calea Aradului St.
IBAN Code: RO 56 RNCB 0249 0492 9471 0008
Payment:100 EURO

* The payment order / receipt will specify at the payer section the name of the candidate and as a payment reference "application fee", in order for the payment to be valid.

The process of authenticating your documents for the admission session


It is mandatory for the admission files to be authenticated by the authorities in the issuer country as follows:

  1. The Hague Apostille is requested for diplomas from countries which are parties to the Hague Apostille, issued by the competent authorities in the issuing countries.
  2. For countries that are NOT party to the Hague Apostille Convention, the educational documents will be superlegalized or will be accompanied by a Certificate of authenticity issued by the competent authorities of the country of origin;
  • The superlegalization is applied by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country, the Embassy/Consular Office of Romania in the country concerned and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania or by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country and its Embassy/Consular Office in Romania and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania; for countries where there are no diplomatic missions of Romania or which do not have diplomatic missions in Romania, the study documents will be endorsed by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country;

  • Exemption from superlegalization is permitted by law, by an international treaty to which Romania is a party or on the basis of reciprocity.

List of countries for which the authentication of study documents is requested.

! In case you wish to check the type of High School Diploma that you need and the correspondent score, please access the following link.


It is mandatory for the candidates to present their study and identification documents from the admission file, in original, along with the Letter of Acceptance (in original) and the passport available with a "study visa" on it on enrollment, at the faculty.

  • The original study documents which are part of the Hague Convention will be stamped by the competent authorities in the issuer country with the Hague Apostille.
  • The original study documents which are not part of the Hague Convention will be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the issuer country and by the Embassy/Consulate Office of Romania in the issuer country.
  • Please make sure that the documents are translated in a widely spread international language and when you are in Romania, preparing for the enrollment process, please make sure to translate them in Romanian and legalize the documents at a public notary if the case.


!The candidates for higher education in Arts, Sports and Architecture must pass the skills tests organized by the University, after receiving the Letter of Acceptance for studies. It is mandatory for candidates which have been admitted to West University of Timișoara to enter the country with a study visa and to legitimize their study in Romania for educational/study purposes. They will present the original documents as mentioned at "AUTHENTICATED DOCUMENTS FOR THE ENROLLMENT PROCESS":

!For more details concerning the admission/enrollment process, please consult the Methodology for Admission Studies at the West University of Timisoara for Third Country Nationals.

A. Studies in Foreign Languages

For those who want to study in a foreign language, a language test is required if the candidate cannot prove that he/she had previously studied in the respective language. The persons that come from countries where the official language is the language in which the courses are run and the persons who have an internationally acknowledged language certificate will be exempt from this test.

For more details regarding the study programmes in a foreign language at WUT, please check WUT-STUDY. 

B. Studies in Romanian Language

Foreign citizens from EU third countries are enrolled in university and postgraduate education only after having completed the preparatory year of Romanian language or on the basis of a certificate attesting the knowledge of Romanian language. During the preparatory year students acquire the necessary knowledge of Romanian language as well as specific knowledge related to the profile of the future training (anatomy, physics, chemistry, technical drawing, etc.), if the study programme is organised in Romanian.

When registering for study programs that require Romanian linguistic competence, the following categories of persons are exempt from the obligation to present the certificate of graduation from the Romanian language Preparatory Year:

a. candidates who present Romanian study documents (diplomas and certificates) which prove at least four consecutive years of study in a scholar unit in the Romanian national system;

b. candidates who present certificates issues in Romania attesting a level of at least B1 in Romanian language;

c. candidates who pass the Romanian language test and obtain the Certificate of Romanian language proficiency.

The examination may be taken in the higher education institution where the candidate wishes to study, if this higher education institution runs an authorised/provisionally authorised or accredited/accredited specialisation / study programme in Romanian language and literature, or in another accredited higher education institution running such a specialisation / study programme. Following this examination, a certificate of language proficiency will be issued.

The fee for this programme varies according to the field of study you want to pursue after finishing the preparatory year. The tuition fee for the Preparatory Year in Romanian language is in the same amount as in one regular academic year(e.g.: : The Romanian Language Preparatory Year for the field of medical studies is in the amount of 320 EUR/month, whereas for the economic one it is in the amount of 220 EUR/month).

More information here (International Students – Romanian Language Preparatory Year).

Registrations for doctoral studies are at : CSUD, Council for Doctoral Studies

The tuition fees for foreign citizens from EU third countries are, as follows:

Category: Science / Mathematics / Sport / Technical
Bachelor / Master: 270 €/ month (2430 euro/year)
PhD: 290 €/ month (2610 euro/year)

Category: Humanities / Psychology/ Accounting / Economics
Bachelor / Master:220 €/ month (1980 euro/year)
PhD: 240 €/ month (2160 euro/year)

Category: Music and Arts
Bachelor / Master: 420 €/ month (3780 euro/year)
PhD:440 €/ month (3960 euro/year)

Category: Interpretation musical theater
Bachelor / Master:750 €/ month (6750 euro/year)
PhD:770 €/ month (6930 euro/year)

Category: Architecture

Bachelor / Master: 350 € / month (3150 euro/year)

Doctorate: 370 € / month (3330 euro/year)

Category: Medicine

Bachelor / Master: 320 € / month (2880 euro/year)

PhD : 340 € / month (3060 euro/year)

Category: Film
Bachelor / Master:950 €/ month (8550 euro/year)
PhD:970 €/ month (8730 euro/year)

* On the payment order/receipt, the name of the candidate and the payment reference "admission fee" must be mentioned to the payer for the payment to be valid.

! The tuition fee shall be paid in full either at the time of application for the study visa or at the time of enrolment at the faculty, when the proof of payment of the tuition fee shall be presented. The tuition fees for third E.U citizens per month shall be multiplied with 9 months for a total amount per academic year. For example, 220EUR/month x 9 months = 1980/per academic year.

! The tuition fee will be paid in the amount and to the bank account mentioned on the Letter of Acceptance. 

In case the candidate does not obtain the study visa or in case of force majeur situations, the candidates can apply for a refund of the tuition fee until 14.03.2025 by submitting a refund file on the Online Refund Platform. For more details about the refund process, please check the section Tuition fee refund for NON-EU fee-paying candidates


1. The application fee in the amount of 100 euro is nonrefundable.
2. Tuition fees must be paid at the beginning of the academic year. Refunding tuition fees paid by candidates will be made only under special conditions (listed below) and only at the applicant's request, with the original proof of payment, until 14.03.2025, and taking in consideration that any additional taxes related to the refund of the fees will be borne by the candidate:

  • failure to obtain a study visa (if the visa applicant has been asked to pay the study fee for one academic year in order to complete the visa application);
  • cases of force majeur (political conflicts, medical emergencies, others) which prevented the applicant from enrolling despite having paid the tuition fees and having obtained a study visa.

The candidate's written Request for a refund of the paid tuition fees accompanied by documents proving the payment of the fees will be approved by the Faculty in which the student is enrolled at (if the student has been enrolled) and by the Department of International Relations or only by the Department of International Relations (if the student has not yet been enrolled in the Faculty).

The necessary documents for a refund of the requested tuition fee are the following and need to be submitted on the Online Refund Platform until 14.03.2025:

  • The Completed Refund Form;
  • A copy of the Letter of Acceptance;
  • A copy of the passport/ID Card;
  • A copy of the original tuition fee receipt;
  • Copy of the bank account statement (if you wish for the money to be transferred to your own bank account, on your name)- preferably a Romanian or European bank account, to avoid potential delays or cancellations of the transfer. If not, you will have to take the money from the University's Cashier's Office in person. In case you decide to show up in person at the University Cashier's Office, you don't need to send us a bank account statement anymore. If do not own a bank account of your own or you cannot present yourself in person at the University Cashier's Office, you can request for the money to be transferred to another bank account that is not on your name, but in this situation you will also need an original notarial power of attorney, issued / translated and legalized in Romanian for the authorized person (more details can be found on the Refund Form). The notarial power of attorney needs to be submitted / sent in a physical format to the International Office of the West University of Timișoara (Blvd. V. Pârvan 4 Timişoara 300223 Timiş, Romania,, room 155B), not only via e-mail otherwise, the refund application cannot be processed. Please make sure that the notarial one is a Special Power of Attorney, not a General Power of Attorney and that it contains all the necessary information, including the complete, correct name of the university (‘Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara’ in Romanian or the ‘West University of Timisoara’ in English).
  • A copy of the proof that states that you haven't obtained the study visa (if the case); or of the case of force majeure mentioned above etc.

After approval, the request will be submitted to the University's Financial Office for processing.

Only complete refund applications that are sent on time will be processed, otherwise, they will be rejected.

In case the candidate does not obtain the study visa or in cases of force majeure, candidates can apply for a tuition fee refund until 14.03.2025. Refunding tuition fees paid by candidates will be made only under special conditions (listed below), by 14.03.2025, only at the request of the candidate, with the original proof of payment and bearing in mind that any refund fee is borne by the candidate:

- failure to obtain a study visa (if the visa applicant was required to pay the study fee for one academic year in order to complete the visa application);

- cases of force majeure (political conflicts, medical emergencies, etc.) which prevented the applicant from enrolling despite having paid the tuition fees and obtained the study visa.


Failure to submit a request for refund within the deadline will disqualify you from claiming the refund of the tuition fees paid.

The candidate's request for a refund of the tuition fee paid, accompanied by documents proving payment of the fees, will be approved by the faculty in which the student is enrolled and the International Relations Department. If the candidate has not been able, for the reasons mentioned above, to enroll in the study programme for which he/she has selected, the approval will be made only by the DRI and not by the faculty that manages the study programme. Once the above approvals have been obtained, the candidate's application is forwarded to the Economic-Financial Department of the UVT for the refund of the tuition fee.



The documents required for a tuition fee refund that have to submitted on the online refund platform:

- the refund form of the requested amount;

- copy of the Letter of Acceptance to Study;

- copy of passport/identity card;

- copy of the original receipt showing proof of payment;

- a copy of the bank statement (in case of a bank transfer). If the person presents himself/herself at the UVT Cashier's Office, a bank statement is not required. If the candidate is unable to appear in person at the UVT to receive the refund of the tuition fee, or wishes the refund to be made to a bank account opened in the name of another person, the person authorized by the candidate to do so must provide the UVT with a notarized power of attorney. Powers of attorney drawn up in a language other than Romanian must always be accompanied by a certified translation. The power of attorney must be submitted in both online and physical format, it must be a special power of attorney, not a general one, and it must contain all the necessary information (in particular the complete and correct name of the West University of Timisoara).

- a copy of the proof of the study visa (if applicable) or of the case of force majeure mentioned above, provided by the applicant in the original language (if Romanian, English or French) or accompanied by a certified translation into a language of international circulation.



Only applicants that have a validated admission file may create and submit a refund file. If an incomplete refund file is submitted by the deadline, or if the refund file is not submitted on the online refund platform, the file may not be approved or processed. UVT is not responsible for submitting details of the documents required for refund as long as they are available on the website or as long as there has been previous communication with the applicant regarding the refund process. For any questions regarding the processing of a refund request, applicants may contact the email address

In the case of applicants who obtain study visas after the deadline for enrolment at UVT, they will be offered the opportunity to participate in a new admission process, without payment of the application processing fee and with recognition of the previously paid tuition fee as equivalent to the tuition fee for the following academic year, when/if they actually achieve enrolment. In case they fail to attend the enrolment even in the following academic year, they may apply for a refund of the tuition fee paid 2 years ago, subject to the provisions of Article 51 of this Methodology.


The refund process can take approximately 15-45 working days, depending on the intermediary banks. The period may be extended if the university/financial service/bank requests additional documentation or if there are bank operational problems.

Candidates from non-EU countries can benefit from the following types of scholarships according to Order no. 3236/2017 on the approval of the Methodology for the admission of foreign citizens on study places without the payment of tuition fees and with scholarships and on study places without the payment of tuition fees but without scholarships in accredited state higher education institutions, from 28 February 2017, published in the Official Monitor, Part I no. 149, 28 February 2017. 

a. On the basis of reciprocity in accordance with the stipulations of mutual bilateral agreements in the educational field. The vacancies for such grants may be assigned in the form of ‘monthly grants’;
b. On the basis of unilateral offers of the Romanian Government, regulated with specific normative documents;
c. On the basis of offers of the Romanian Government in accordance with the existing legal stipulations, at the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, depending on the international interests of Romania;

Every year, the Romanian Government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, offers a number of scholarships to citizens from non-EU countries. Only candidates with good academic results, i.e. an average of at least 7 (seven) corresponding to the Romanian grading system or "Good", as the case may be, are eligible.


For more details on eligibility requirements, please see Scholarship Programme Information.


Applicants may select their programme of study of interest in all fields except Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy. For Bachelor and Master, only study programmes in Romanian are available, thus promoting Romanian language and culture. However, at doctoral level, candidates can also opt for a programme in English or in a foreign language determined by the doctoral school. A preparatory year in Romanian is also granted before enrolment in the chosen study programme for those who do not speak Romanian.


Required documents include diplomas, transcripts, birth certificate and passport, CV - all described in the application process.


  • The scholarship application can ONLY be submitted through the Study in Romania platform.
  • Applicants can access the platform at, via the Apply for MFA scholarships button, or directly at
  • Applications can be submitted each year between December and March, and the selection results are announced in mid-July. After selection, additional formalities, such as obtaining a visa, will be required.


d. On the basis of offers of the Romanian Government in accordance with the existing legal stipulations, at the proposal of the Ministry of Economics, with the purpose of promoting the further action of economic or commercial collaboration;
On the basis of offers of the Romanian Government in accordance with the existing legal stipulations, at the proposal of the Ministry of Education for citizens with exceptional academic results; Can apply Foreign citizen students (except those in their final year) who have completed at least one year of studies (outside the Preparatory Year) in a state accredited higher education institution in Romania and have obtained a minimum average of 7.00 as well as foreign citizen graduates of state universities who have obtained an overall average of at least 7.00 may apply. 

IMPORTANT! The documents for this type of scholarship will be sent to until 09.11.2024 for the 2024-2025 academic year. 


The nominal list and the applicants' files (maximum 5) shall be sent to M.Ed D.G.R.IA.E., until November 30th of the 2024-2025 academic year. 

The application file shall contain:

    1. The school transcript for each year of study (except for the preparatory year) for the applicants requesting the continuance of bachelor university studies;
    2. Copy of the bachelor diploma and the diploma supplement (school transcript) or a certificate indicating the school situation for all years of study, as well as the results obtained at the bachelor exam (for graduates of current year), for applicants who request the continuance of master or postgraduate university studies.
    3. Curriculum vitae, list of scientific works, publications of speciality, reports, recommendations from at least two professors or specialists in the field - for applicants to postgraduate university studies;
    4. Legalized copy of the birth certificate;
    5. Passport copy;
    6. Copy of the residence permit in Romania;

For more details in this respect, please read the Methodology for Admission to Studies at the West University of Timisoara for Third Country Nationals.

Candidates who are citizens from EU third countries who have outstanding academic achievements can apply for the WUT scholarship. A minimum admission grade of 8.00 is required in order to be eligible

Application period:

20th of January 2025 - 1st of August 2025 (undergraduate level)
20th of January 2025 - 1st of August 2025 (Master level)
20th of January 2025 - 1st of August 2025 (Preparatory Year of Romanian Language)

Required documents:

1. Letter of Motivation (written in English/ French/ Spanish/ Romanian);
2. CV (Curriculum Vitae) (written in English/ French/ Spanish) which should emphasize the academic/professional experience of the candidate;
3. Letter of Recommendation (written in English/ French/ Spanish), from a teacher specialized in the field of studies that the candidate intends on applying for at WUT, which should state the reasons that recommend the candidate for the WUT Scholarship status;

4. Study and identification documents (mentioned in a section above)

The application files for receiving a Letter of Acceptance to Studies in Romania with the status of "WUT scholarship holder" must be submitted to WUT through the online platform admission for citizens from NON-UE countries at


The academic year in Romania usually starts at the end of September or the beginning of October every year. Nonetheless, third E.U. citizens can enroll themselves at the faculty where they were admitted at until:

  • 14.02.2025 (for the candidates who applied for the Romanian Language Preparatory Year);
  • 21.02.2025 (for the candidates who applied for a study programme without the Romanian Language Preparatory Year)

Once they have all of the authenticated documents requested on the Letter of Acceptance, the study visa and the receipt that they paid for the first year of their tuition, the candidates prepare their travel details.

The moment they arrive in Timișoara, at West University of Timișoara, they have to:

  • Pass by at the Department of International Relations (room 159, first floor within WUT, from 10:00 to 14:00, Monday to Friday) to have their enrollment files checked with the above mentioned documents;
  • Pass by at the secretary of the faculty where they were admitted at in order to be enrolled based on the provided documents. From that point on, details concerning possible course schedules, accommodation and other facilities can be accessed, but only at the faculty, not at the Department of International Relations.

  • 1. Typified request from the Immigration Office, Timiș;
  • 2. Documents needed for crossing the border: Passport (having study visa on it)
  • 3. Letter of acceptance for the studies – only required on the first extension of the right to stay
  • 4. Student Certificate from the Department of International Relations for prolonging the visa. The candidate shall request a document called “Adeverința” from the secretary of the faculty where he/she was enrolled at attesting his/her academic status. Then, the candidate shall bring that paper to the Department of International Relations where a Certificate shall be prepared in this sense for the Immigration Office in 2 working days.
  • 5. Health Certificate from The Student Polyclinic (next to C12 dormitory in the Student Complex). The students that are above 26 years old, must have, in addition, the proof of health insurance payment from The National Health Insurance Agency in Timișoara (No.4, Corbului Street). In case that is not possible, the candidate has to purchase a private insurance.
  • 6. Proof of accommodation (rental contract or hostel contract in copy and in original);
  • 7. Proof of monetary / maintenance resources (bank account);
  • 8. Fees.
  • 9. Previous residence permit card (in case there has been any).

For more information in this aspect, please access this link.

The address of the Romanian Authority for Foreigners, Timis County: Address str. Andrei Mocioni, nr. 8-10, Timișoara


The documents for obtaining the residence permit need to be submitted at the Immigration Office 30 days in advance before the study visa expires!

a.According to the Accommodation Regulation in the dormitories of WUT, students in their first year of studies, nominated as Romanian State scholarship holders, who wish to study at West University of Timișoara, will be mandatorily provided with free accommodation in their first year of studies within the WUT Students’ Campus, according to the present legislation.

b.For the students who are Self-fee payers, the costs are in accordance to the sums mentioned at the following link.

The possibility to apply for accommodation within the Students’ Campus can be done only when the candidates present themselves for the enrollment process (meaning, when they have the Letter of Acceptance in original issued by the Ministry of Education in Research in Romania, the study documents, the study visa and the receipt attesting the payment for Self-fee payers) in person at the secretary of the faculty where they have been admitted at.

While Romanian State scholarship holders can be provided mandatorily with free accommodation, Self-fee payers can apply for accommodation when they present themselves for the enrollment process on the principle first come, first served according to the availabilities in this sense. In case of lack of rooms available at the moment of your arrival in Timișoara, it is recommended to have a back-up plan by applying for a hotelor a hostelin Timișoara.

!Even so, in both of the above mentioned cases, the Department of International Relations is not responsible for the distribution of the places in the dormitories, therefore, for these aspects, please address yourselves at the secretary of the faculty where you have been admitted at either as Romanian State Scholarship Holders or as Self-fee payer students.