Francophone University Association (AUF)

Founded in 1961 in Montréal (Québec, Canada), the Francophone University Agency (AUF) is a multilateral institution which supports cooperation and solidarity between francophone university institutions and promotes the development of higher education and research. It brings together universities, academic networks and research centers, using the French language. With a network of 1007 members in 119 countries, it is one of the largest associations of higher education institutions and research institutions in the world.

Office for Central and Eastern Europe operates at Bucharest since 1994 and covers 17 countries in the region. The Bucharest office manages the University Agency Programs for the benefit of students, teachers and universities in 17 countries.


  • Reference point of Universities in Francophone cooperation, AUF promotes academic cooperation between its member institutions in a spirit of solidarity and sharing knowledge. This contributes to the vitality of the French scientific areas, while respecting the diversity of cultures and languages.
    AUF accompanies academic institutions and their authors.
  • AUF offers students, teachers and researchers services such as financing mobility, providing online degree programs or support for research projects. This helps institutions in their modernization (updating management system self-assessment programmes and assessment of project preparation facility). Give special support institutions in crisis (Haiti, Ivory Coast, Mali).
  • AUF engages in the international arena. AUF is involved in international projects; put its expertise at the service of development agencies and Francophone countries. AUF international issues related to the development of higher education are: massification of education, assessment and classification of universities, women’s access to higher education, the use of digital education, etc.


To achieve its objectives AUF unfolds several programmes:

1. Institutional and scientific development to universities

  • Scientific and university mobility
  • Student mobility
  • Teachers and researchers mobility
  • Academic staff mobility
  • Mobile Network

2. Support for networks and associative structures

To promote the academic mobility of the students and academic staff is one of the major goals set in the 2014¬2017 programming AUF. Convinced that international trade is an essential condition for the flow of knowledge and expertise, the Agency strengthened its offer of support to the academic mobility for students and teachers. To find more about Francophone University Agency (AUF), we encourage you to follow the link to their official website:

Contact:, +40256592683