Erasmus+ Incoming Staff: Teaching and Training Mobility


General information

Teaching staff coming from universities which whom we concluded an Erasmus Bilateral Agreement can teach a number of classes at West University of Timisoara, in the frame of Erasmus programme. Please check with the International Office of your university the availability of such an agreement.


All academic details (such as: which class to teach, when to come, teaching language, level of students – enrolled in the first, second of third level, etc.) of your stay should be discussed with the Erasmus Academic Coordinator from the faculty you are interested in teaching at.

Erasmus International Teaching Week, 1st edition: 7th - 11th April 2025

Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara/ West University of Timișoara is very pleased to announce its 1st edition of the Erasmus International Teaching Week: 07th – 11th April 2025, taking place in a face-to-face format, in Timișoara. 


West University of Timișoara (WUT) is the main higher education and research center in Western Romania. It is a comprehensive university that fosters interdisciplinary education within its 11 Faculties: Arts and Design; Chemistry, Biology, Geography; Economics and Business Administration; Law; Faculty of Letters, History, Philosophy and Theology; Mathematics and Computer Science; Music and Theatre; Physical Education and Sports; Physics; Faculty of Governance Studies and Communication; Sociology and Psychology.


Our Erasmus International Week targets academic staff members from WUT’s partner universities interested in: West University of Timisoara and the European Alliance UNITA, teaching at WUT, exploring new teaching methods and opening up avenues of collaboration with colleagues at WUT and other participants to the event.


Should you be interested in participating in our Erasmus International Teaching Week, please fill in

The application form here 

Application deadline: the 28th of February 2025.


Maximum number of participants: 30 (first-come-first-served principle and maximum 2 participants from the same institution.


Proposed preliminary program can be consulted here


Looking forward to meeting you in Timişoara!


Erasmus International Week, 14th edition, 13-17 May 2024

Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara/ West University of Timișoara is very pleased to announce its 14th edition of the Erasmus International Week: 13th – 17th May 2024, taking place in a face-to-face format, in Timișoara.

West University of Timișoara (WUT) is the main higher education and research center in Western Romania. It is a comprehensive university that fosters interdisciplinary education within its 11 Faculties: Arts and Design; Chemistry, Biology, Geography; Economics and Business Administration; Law; Letters, History and Theology; Mathematics and Computer Science; Music and Theatre; Physical Education and Sports; Physics; Political Sciences, Philosophy and Communication Sciences; Sociology and Psychology.

Our Erasmus International Week targets both academic and administrative staff members from WUT’s partner universities interested in knowing more about us, as well as exploring the challenges and opportunities of the Erasmus Programme and the process of internationalization in the field of higher education in Europe and worldwide.

The schedule of the week includes: presentation(s) of WUT and partner institutions, workshop(s) on internationalization of HEIs, teaching activities, job shadowing session, networking events (welcome lunch, welcome dinner, city tour, coffee breaks, farewell dinner etc.).

During the time spent together we will discuss various means and approaches to the process of internationalization of higher-education institutions. Therefore, we would like to invite you all to share knowledge and good practices with us in Timişoara, the biggest city in the West of Romania.

Should you be interested in participating in our Erasmus International Week, please fill in the application form (available here) by 20th of March 2024. Participation fee: 80 euros/ person– to be paid upon arrival. The participation fee includes: materials for the event, welcome lunch, welcome dinner, farewell dinner, coffee breaks.

Maximum number of participants: 80 (first-come-first-served principle and maximum 2 participants from the same institution)

P.S. Photos from our previous editions are available on our Facebook page.

Looking forward to meeting you in Timişoara!

Erasmus International Training Week, 15th edition: 5th - 9th May 2025

Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara/ West University of Timișoara is very pleased to announce its 15th edition of the Erasmus International Week: 05th – 09th May 2025, taking place in a face-to-face format, in Timișoara. The event will also host an online meeting prior to the on-site mobility where participants will get to know each other and the universities that they are coming from. 


West University of Timișoara (WUT) is the main higher education and research center in Western Romania. It is a comprehensive university that fosters interdisciplinary education within its 11 Faculties: Arts and Design; Chemistry, Biology, Geography; Economics and Business Administration; Law; Faculty of Letters, History, Philosophy and Theology; Mathematics and Computer Science; Music and Theatre; Physical Education and Sports; Physics; Faculty of Governance Studies and Communication; Sociology and Psychology.


Our Erasmus International Week targets administrative staff members from WUT’s partner universities interested in knowing more about us, as well as exploring the challenges and opportunities of the Erasmus Programme and the process of internationalization in the field of higher education in Europe and worldwide.


The schedule of the week includes, but is not limited to: presentation of West University of Timisoara and the European Alliance UNITA, mutual learning workshop on current trends and issues in the internationalization of Higher Education, world cafe on dilemmas when working in the field of international relations and beyond, introductory course in intercomprehension among Romance languages, job shadowing sessions, networking events (welcome lunch, welcome dinner, city tour, coffee breaks, farewell dinner etc). During the time spent together in a former European capital of culture and the largest city in Western Romania, we look forward to sharing good practices and growing together under the umbrella “internationalisation with and for all”


Should you be interested in participating in our Erasmus International Week, please fill in

The application form here

Application deadline: the 14th of March 2025.


Proposed preliminary program can be consulted here


Participation fee: 80 euros. The participation fee includes: materials for the event, welcome lunch, welcome dinner, farewell dinner, coffee breaks.


Maximum number of participants: 40 (first-come-first-served principle and maximum 2 participants from the same institution)

P.S. Photos from our previous editions are available on our Facebook page.

Looking forward to meeting you in Timişoara!

Contact: Flavia Miruna SERES, Erasmus+ Incoming Officer, e-mail:, tel: +40256592271