DRI Mission
The mission of the Department of International Relations of West University of Timișoara consists in integrating the international dimension into all priority areas of WUT, in accordance with the strategic development directions of the institution and the internationalization strategy of the university.
General Objectives
The general objectives of DRI align with the institutional development policy of WUT in terms of international cooperation at the local, regional, national, European and global levels:
- Contributing to the national, European and global dialogue regarding the transformative potential of the internationalization of universities through the constant development of the internationalization strategy and its alignment with institutional priorities, as well as with trends in the field, and by promoting WUT and the best practice models of the West University of Timișoara in this area.
- Implementing ERASMUS+ program actions and other mobility programs at WUT, as well as increasing the number of mobilities in accordance with the objectives of the European Commission and WUT.
- Increasing WUT’s institutional capacity to attract international students and lecturers, as well as connecting with the Diaspora, by supporting WUT’s efforts to internationalize the curriculum and research.
- Integrating WUT into the European university alliance UNITA and integrating the UNITA dimension into all WUT’s strategic development directions. Coordinating UNITA activities within WUT.
- Increasing WUT’s institutional capacity by supporting the activities of the WUT community (faculties, teaching staff, researchers, administrative staff, students) in the field of internationalization “at home” or abroad.
Specific Objectives
The specific objectives of the DRI align with and derive from its five general objectives:
- Contributing to the national, European and global dialogue regarding the transformative potential of the internationalization of universities through the constant development of the internationalization strategy and its alignment with institutional priorities, as well as with trends in the field, and by promoting WUT and the best practice models of the West University of Timișoara in this area.
a) Coordinating, implementing and promoting internationalization activities at West University of Timisoara in collaboration with the Vice Rector and the faculties of WUT.
b) Implementing the European University vision in collaboration with the European University Alliance UNITA and relevant internal and external structures at local, regional, national and European levels.
c) Managing WUT’s portfolio of international university network affiliations and the one with bilateral Memorandum of Understanding agreements, as well as supporting the activities resulting from them.
- Implementing ERASMUS+ program actions and other mobility programs at WUT, as well as increasing the number of mobilities in accordance with the objectives of the European Commission.
a) Managing the portfolio of ERASMUS+ bilateral agreements and ERASMUS+ projects implemented by West University of Timisoara in collaboration with its faculties.
b) Writing, implementing and reporting on international mobility projects at WUT with ERASMUS+ program partners. Ensuring access for all target groups at WUT (students, teaching staff, and administrative personnel) to all possible types of outgoing mobility opportunities as outlined in the ERASMUS+ Guide and providing support for incoming mobility beneficiaries at WUT.
c) Promoting ERASMUS+ program opportunities and providing support to achieve the European Commission’s mobility objectives for students and teaching staff.
- Increasing WUT’s institutional capacity to attract international students and lecturers, as well as connecting with the Diaspora, by supporting WUT’s efforts to internationalize the curriculum and research.
a) Supporting WUT faculties in developing and promoting study programs offered in a foreign language, dual or multiple-degree programs, joint/European degree programs or other international academic initiatives (e.g., summer schools).
b) Coordinating the recruitment and admission of degree-seeking international students from EU and non-EU countries.
c) Internationalizing WUT’s human resources by attracting international lecturers and researchers through governmental programs/agreements or the Visiting@WUT program. Strengthening institutional capacity by connecting WUT with its international alumni and diaspora.
- Integrating WUT into the European university alliance UNITA and integrating the UNITA dimension into all WUT’s strategic development directions. Coordinating UNITA activities within WUT.
a) Coordinating UNITA projects and activities developed and implemented under the European Universities Initiative. Promoting the alliance’s opportunities to WUT’s target groups: students, teaching staff, researchers, and administrative staff.
b) Coordinating the RO European Universities network and engaging WUT in local, regional, national, and European initiatives related to European university alliances.
c) Providing advisory, consulting and support services for developing initiatives, actions, projects, programs and services aligned with UNITA’s main areas of activity. Facilitating WUT’s integration into UNITA and aligning WUT policies with those of the alliance.
- Increasing WUT’s institutional capacity by supporting the activities of the WUT community (faculties, teaching staff, researchers, administrative staff, students) in the field of internationalization “at home” or abroad.
a) Developing and implementing “internationalization at home” initiatives in collaboration with faculties, the Doctoral Studies Council, teaching staff, researchers, administrative staff and students to provide international experiences to as many WUT community members as possible.
b) Providing support for participation in international events to represent WUT abroad and organizing international events at WUT to promote the university, the city of Timișoara and Romanian higher education.
c) Strengthening WUT’s institutional capacity by promoting the university internationally and attracting external resources for internationalization.